In 2020 when Covid-19 was in full swing, many people lost their jobs and livelihood. Thankfully the pandemic is subsiding, so many companies will be hiring again. You will also get a window of new openings. As the recruitment process begins, we have compiled a guide to learn about some sought-after skills. We have included nine skills companies seek in candidates, from soft skills like interpersonal interaction to hard ones like commercial or technical awareness. Let’s have a look:
- Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Better known as interpersonal skills, these are the handy skills you use to engage and interact with others. Whether it’s a client or a coworker, it is essential to communicate clearly so that your message gets across. Communicating with people from their perspective enables them to understand you better and do what you expect with little mistakes. Many recruiters hire employees purely on their ability to connect with people at various levels. So if you want to be hired quickly, be sure to bring your communication and interpersonal skills up to par.
- Teamwork
No matter what job they are offering, recruiters are always on the lookout for team players. Since a business‘s success lies in all its employees’ combined efforts, they quickly hire applicants who get along with others. Such people help others in any way they can and efficiently collaborate with the entire team. So if you lack this critical trait, better get to work on developing it as it is a surefire way to land an excellent job for yourself.
- Commercial Awareness
Commercial awareness means having sufficient knowledge about the workings of a business organization. It can be generalized information about the economic and political trends or specific knowledge about the particular organization and industry. Now it may cause you to wonder how you can develop commercial awareness. That’s where one can understand the difference between MBA and EMBA as EMBA rigorously teaches commercial awareness. Why? Because executives seeking education, that is, an MBA, need to have more commercial knowledge.
In contrast, MBA grads are taught commercial skills but only the basics. To develop commercial awareness about a particular company, be sure to conduct thorough research. With accurate knowledge, your position will be stronger than any others.
- Leadership Qualities
They might not hire you straight away, but companies do look for individuals with strong leadership qualities. When we say leadership qualities, it means the coming together of skills and traits that ascertain different projects’ success. These include good communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. Workers who encourage their teams and coworkers are an asset to their company. They act as true leaders by first explaining the goal and how to achieve it and then inspiring the whole team to do their best. If you lack in these aspects, try actively participating in group activities. Taking responsibility is the best way to enhance leadership qualities.
- Positive attitude
A positive and optimistic attitude will help you go a long way. Even in adverse circumstances, staying calm boosts morale and enables you to fight the most challenging situations. It helps divulge in new things and brainstorm new ideas. A positive attitude is a driving force that makes people excited to go to work. That’s why it is desirable a skill that companies seek in candidates during the recruitment process.
- Persuasion
Understanding the other party’s perspective and making them see yours is the key to a successful business. When both of you can see where the other person is coming from, you can draft better strategies to benefit each other. Companies seek this skill because it helps them change their clients’ preconceived notions and make them do business with them. Skilled individuals understand their potential clients’ needs and expectations and address them in a meaningful way to persuade them. So if you can convince the recruiters to hire you, well, you already have an essential corporate skill up your sleeve.
- Time Management
Prioritizing and conducting your tasks in an organized way proves your efficiency. Suppose you have been engaging in co-curricular activities or doing a part-time job while studying. In that case, it will show up on your CV as effective time management skills. It is a desirable skill for most companies because the employees who know when and where to direct their efforts are in-demand. Such people can juggle multiple projects at any given time by organizing their workload, prioritizing their time, and understanding how much they can realistically do. So don’t hesitate to show off your time management aptitude as recruiters highly seek it.
- Technical Knowledge
We live in a digital era so having some technical know-how is vital for survival. However, if you want a prestigious company to hire you, improve your technical knowledge. Depending upon your profession and the job you are applying for, you will need a specific technical skillset. These include handling standard software or the ability to tackle particular tasks. If you seek to work hard towards achieving company goals diligently, you need proper technical knowledge. Develop and improve your technical knowledge to get hired by a prestigious company.
- Stress Management
Workplace-related stress varies depending upon the field you choose; some jobs are more stressful than others. If you become overwhelmed or stressed, it will get to you. To get out of such situations, you have to keep calm and work on your emotional quotient. You have to maneuver out of the crisis with a positive attitude and critical thinking. If you can confidently handle stressful situations, it will set you apart from other applicants.
The Bottom Line
These are the nine skills that companies seek in candidates during the recruitment process. If you aim for a specific job, learn about the skills recruiters seek and acquire them. Doing so will not only get you the job but also enable you to do it satisfactorily. Furthermore, perfecting the skills we shared today can help you grow in your career and provide you with several development opportunities.