One thing is for sure when it comes to dealing with your employees. They all expect you to appreciate the hard work they put in for the company. At the end of each year, it is a common practice amongst employers to hand out awards and appreciate their employees. Their entire work-life, summed up in one small anti-climatic moment. According to a study, around forty-six percent of the workforce rated their employers as above average in providing them with the recognition they deserve. It shows that employee recognition is not a common thing amongst employers everywhere.
A fat paycheck may provide your employees with momentary satisfaction but not make them feel like they are an integral part of your company. Implementing and enforcing some employee recognition practices highlights each of your employees’ contributions. It sends them the message that you are paying attention to the value they provide you. As your employees are the heartbeat of your company mission statement, you have to give them the recognition they deserve.
That is why, in this article, we have come up with the top eight employee recognition practices to help you build a culture of appreciation at your workplace. Keep reading to find out what these corporate practices are.
Sometimes your employees need a push to go that extra mile for your company. And for those who say that a paycheck is enough for them, they are wrong. They need an incentive, and it will only encourage them to work by the most basic levels of their JDs.
By frequently awarding your workforce with gifts and prizes, you are giving recognition to the employees that stand out and enforce a competitive working environment. Items such as gift cards, acrylic or glass awards, sporting event tickets, free lunches, and other prizes can motivate employees to work harder.
Your employees will appreciate it if you acknowledge their achievements, from buying a new car to donating blood at the local blood bank or an expedition trip. It is all about getting noticed in the workplace that allows your employees to feel appreciated.
Even though employers sometimes acknowledge these personal accomplishments, they are far from a workplace-common practice. Most of these acknowledgments are work-related and does not involve the outside activities of an employee.
Employers can start an appreciation program for employees that show impeccable skills and qualities at the workplace. You can create a points system that employees can earn when they complete work-related tasks. These tasks can range from something as simple as assisting their coworkers to something as complicated as bringing new customers to your business.
Also, each completed task should have different points. For example, for every new customer an employee brings in, they can earn ten points, while assisting coworkers will yield five points. The easier the task, the fewer points they will get. They can then use the points they earn to redeem prizes like gift cards, shopping vouchers, or even get a day off from work.
When a manager usually calls an employee to his or her office, they think the worst. Invite exceptional employees to your office and have a ten-minute chat with them. Tell them what of a magnificent job they are doing and how much you appreciate their presence at your office.
You can also skip the formal setting of a one-on-one meeting by handing out personal thank you notes. A small thank you is more powerful than any amount of money in this world. That way, your employees will have the motivation to perform their jobs even better and feel at ease.
It is a wise decision for employers to celebrate the birthdays and employment anniversaries of exceptional, if not every employee. It needs to be something like a surprise birthday party where you invite their families or shower them with gifts. It should be something as simple as cutting a birthday cake.
Also, do not forget to involve other employees, so they don’t feel left out. Hand them over small gift items such as vouchers, coupons, or birthday cards with notes from other employees.
Every employee at your workplace wants recognition and appreciates the fact that you notice their daily performances. And what better way to show gratitude by handing out the employee of the month award. Ask your managers and employees to vote for the employee that performed their duties that best in a specific month. Some employees might vote for themselves. However, management can deal with it and nullify such votes.
Award an employee of the month plaque to the selected employee. While handing out the award, ensure that you mention why a specific employee is receiving this reward. By doing this, other employees can pick up on what to do for them to receive the award themselves.
Who doesn’t like to go out on a trip, let alone a free one? Besides, going on such trips will allow you to show them your human side. They will get to see that you are not a cut-throat owner and you care about your employees.
These trips can either be a long cross country trip or a short lunch break at the local coffee shop. You can talk shop and have a more relaxed conversation at the same time. In the end, a hungry or bored employee will find it hard to work to his or her fullest. So, feed their stomach, and they will appreciate you for it.
Hearing from your boss that you are doing an impeccable job is one thing, but hearing it in front of other people is even better. Public acknowledgments are not only good for motivation. The more you acknowledge your employees’ efforts in front of the public, it will have a lasting positive effect on them.
The countless pats on the back they will get from their coworkers will show them that not only do you care, but their coworkers are not jealous of their achievements. So shout out praises for your employees for them to echo from the board room to the streets.
When you read the recognition practices in this article, you will notice one thing. Recognition should include monetary and social factors and enforce the behavior you want from your employees. Give these top eight employee recognition practices a try. Once you do, your employee will work to the best of their ability to take your business to new heights of profitability and success.
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