A natural disaster can strike at any time and even if you do get a little bit of fair warning, it is still vital that you have done all that you can in advance to keep your home protected. We have seen the devastation which has been caused in California because of the wildfires and in Florida following a hurricane and if you live in a zone which is prone to natural disasters you have to do all that you can to maximize your protection, and here is how.
Home Warranty
Home warranty will protect the large items in your home such as your HVAC system, cars, electronics and the plumbing system in your home, all of which could be at risk after a natural disaster. When searching for the best home warranty you need to check out reviews, it was the First American Home Warranty reviews that helped to choose those guys. Compare pricing and different plans for buyers of home warranties to get the best cover and the lowest premiums.
Home Insurance
Home insurance will protect the structural integrity of your home, as well as the damage which is caused by a disaster such as water and fire damage, as well as theft. Look for a home insurance company with great reviews, solid customer service, and experts who can help you to get the right deal based on the value of your home, and the risk of an ‘act of God’.
Earthquakes – If you live in an earthquake zone then you should ensure that your building is structurally sound and solid enough to withstand an earthquake up to 9.0. Also ensure that your TV, cabinets and items in the home are well secured so that they don’t fall when an earthquake hits.
Hurricanes and Tropical Storms – Hurricane shutters are a must buy item if you live in a zone prone t hurricanes and storms, so too is a solid garage door and hurricane straps which will support the structural integrity of the property.
Wildfires – You can’t fire-proof your home and so the obvious solution here is to make sure that the fire cannot get to it. If you are able to then you should clear an exclusion zone around the property. This zone should be clear from anything like foliage that can catch fire, which in turn could set fire to the property.
Another option which you could consider that will protect you and your family from the effects of a natural disaster is to build a safe room outside the home. This room should be like a concrete shelter which will protect everyone inside it. The room can be multi-functional and you could use it for storage or as a utility-style room.
The key here is in the preparation, do that well and you can ensure that your home is protected.
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