If you’re interested in learning a few basic algebra formulas, continue reading on to discover some of the most useful basic algebra formulas to learn.
The most useful algebra formulas to learn:
1. The difference between two squares
The difference between two squares refers to when two binomials have only one difference, when one term features a plus and the other term features a minus sign. To quickly discover the difference between two squares use the following basic algebra formula (x+y) (x-y) = x squared – y squared.
2. The difference of cubes
To figure out the difference of cubes use the formula a to the power of 3 – b to the power of 3 = (a-b) (a+b).
3. The sum of cubes
If you need to find out the sum of cubes, the formula which you should use is a to the power of 3 + b to the power of 3 = (a+b) (a squared -ab + b2).
4. The pythagorean theorem
The pythagorean theorem is one of the most commonly used algebraic equations and is used to accurately figure out the lengths and sides of a right angled triangle. Thankfully the pythagorean theorem equation is one of the simplest algebraic equations to learn.
When a and b refer to the two sides of a triangle which stem from either side of a triangle’s right angle use the equation a squared plus b squared = c squared. In this equation c, refers to the the side which you’re trying to work out the value of, which is known as the hypotenuse.
5. How to multiply powers which boast the same base
To multiply powers which feature the same base make sure to add your exponents. The formula which you should use to multiply powers which boast the same base is x to the power of a, x to the power of b = x to the power a+b.
Before you try to figure out a trickier algebraic problem such as this particular problem, you may be better off learning simpler equations such as the pythagorean theorem. Which is much easier to grasp and will give you a solid base to learn more difficult algebraic equations.
6. How to raise a power
If you’re unsure of how to raise a power, simply use the formula (X to the power of a) to the power of b = X to the power of ab. Just remember that when you need to raise a power by a power to multiply your exponents.
7. How to discover the power of a product property
To workout the power of a product property use the algebraic formula (xy) to the power of a = x to the power of a, y to the power of a. Also make sure that when you raise a product to a power to find out the power of each factor, in order to multiply your factors.
In conclusion, mastering these algebra formulas can greatly enhance your mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities. Remember, understanding concepts like the 135 degree angle is just as crucial for tackling various challenges in math.
If it’s been a while since you last opened an algebra book and you’re looking to refresh your skills, beginning with the basic formulas listed above is a great approach. Tools like a dividing monomials calculator can also simplify the process, helping you practice and build confidence as you revisit algebra.
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