So, you are thinking of moving from State school to a Private senior school? Change can be hard, and it can be scary. New environment, new teachers, new friends, new everything. While making the move can be daunting, it can also be exciting, if you are prepared! In this blog, you can find 5 top tips to help you in your move from State school to Private senior school!
Application process
When applying to Private School, there is usually quite a detailed and highly competitive criteria that needs to be met. This means you cannot leave it until the last minute or leave it to chance, preparation is really key here to secure your spot.
First, get yourself familiar with the admissions criteria and alternative options, for example, some private senior schools offer bursaries or scholarships. Whichever way you decide to apply, prepare yourself for a rigorous process. Most Private schools need not only an application, but some include tests and interviews for both parents and students as well. Time to brush up on those skills!
Most Private schools will use the Common Entrance Examination to determine admission. You can read about this on their website. This will give you direction on the test and what you can prepare, perhaps investing in a tutor, online courses, interview coach or an exam strategy could give you an advantage.
Plan ahead
Don’t leave things up to chance or last minute, make sure you have everything planned and in place ready for the move, to ensure a seamless transition. From uniform, to stationary, to travel to and from school. Make sure you / your child knows the form of transport, what classes they have and which buildings they need to go to!
Visit the school
It might be a good idea to visit the Private school you wish to attend on more than one occasion before starting, this way you can get yourself / your child more familiar with the environment, buildings, teacher and peers. This can help reduce the fear and anxiety your child might be facing in the run up to the move, or on the day! And to the point above, can really help to know where your child is going on their first day and gives them an idea on what to expect! You can usually do this on various open days that the school hosts, or organise private visits.
Speak to parents/children
Making time to get to know the other parents and children at the new Private school can also be very beneficial to both you and your child. Your child is already going to be quite distressed, moving school, away from their current school friends. So, being familiar with some of their peers in advance can help boost confidence and self esteem.
Happy child = happy parents!
Extra curricular
If there are any activities your child enjoys, sign them up! The more time they spend at the school, doing the activities they enjoy and spending more time with their peers can really boost the quality of their academic experience.
Hopefully these tips come in handy with your new move. Good luck!
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